ON DEMAND: Navigating the New Australian Anti-Bribery Laws | What You Need to Know
Event date: 09 October 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Timezone: UTC +11 AEDT
CPD points: 1 Substantive Law Point
Australian foreign bribery laws are primarily governed by the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). The key provisions related to foreign bribery are found in Division 70 of the Criminal Code.
Australia has historically been criticised about the strength of its anti-bribery laws the way in which authorities have enforced those laws.
That is changing.
From 9 September 2024 new legislation has significantly strengthened Australian anti-bribery laws.
This will expose companies who do not adequately understand the laws and prepare for how they will be impacted by the changes.
Lis Boyce and Paul Venus, Piper Alderman Partners, have previously advised companies about foreign bribery laws in Australia.
They have given support to clients who have experienced firsthand how this issue can affect businesses.
Drawing on those experiences, Lis and Paul will analyse the new laws, explain what you need to know.
They will help you understand what you need to implement to comply with the law and avoid the difficulties that an investigation about antibribery can lead to.
Topics the webinar will cover include:
- Offences of Bribing a Foreign Public Official – including the new absolute liability offence
- Penalties and bodies who enforce them
- Defences – do you have any?
- Corporate Responsibility and Director’s obligations
- Reforms and International Pressure and the absence of a deferred prosecution agreement scheme
- The Global Context – OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and how other countries such as the USA and the UK manage this issue
- Adoption of a risk-based approach and why that is important for Australian companies
- Key take home messages – what should you be doing now
The workshop is open to all organisations, excluding other legal service providers. |