WEBINAR: Employment Relations Workplace Training Workshop | Workers Compensation Masterclass
Joining fee: $ 660
Event date: 21 June 2022
Time: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Timezone: UTC +10 AEST
CPD points: 3.5 Substantive Points
Contact email: [email protected]
Managing workers compensation claims as a business is a form of art. Thankfully, it is a form of art that everyone in HR and Management are perfectly capable of learning.
There are 3 types of workers compensation claims:
- The ones you want Declined;
- The ones you want Accepted; and
- The ones you have no idea about one way or the other.
Are you concerned with the effect of workers compensation claims on your business?
Australian businesses incurred 120,355 serious workers’ compensation claims in the reporting year 2019-2020!
The Safe Work Australia report for 2019/2020 year has reported that the statistics showed a 7% drop in serious claims, but a 40% increase in ‘time lost’ due to workers remaining away from work and in receipt of weekly payments of compensation.
Psychological claims – ‘Mental stress’ continue to increase year on year, so that we have had a 137% increase in ‘psych claims’ over the last 20 years. There are ways to manage these claims in a way so as to minimise and prevent increase in the cost of these claims.
These statistics demonstrate that Australian businesses are not utilising the tools available to them to reduce time lost and to keep the cost of claims to their business down.
In some States, COVID-19 specific provisions and the prospect of COVID-19 related claims also looms large for some businesses.
This training will cover:
- An overview of the principles underpinning workers compensation legislation (including thresholds and timing requirements);
- An overview of the claims process (some specifics of the various State/Territory schemes will be covered);
- Helping the regulator/agent/insurer assess a workers’ compensation claim – what to include and how to present the information;
- Challenging questionable claims and conversely how to support genuine claims;
- Getting an employee back to work as quickly as possible; and
- Lawful dismissal of an injured worker on workers compensation.
You will receive course materials that you may use in your employment/businesses (although not for reproduction and commercialisation).
Register now to learn how the specialists do it and save your business some money.
We limit the number of participants per session so as to enhance the experience of individual participants. This is session is already half full, so don’t miss out.