PERTH: Association of Corporate Counsel (WA) and Piper Alderman | Navigating ESG Developments – the Legal Function
Event Location: Exchange Tower, 2 The Esplanade, Perth WA, Australia
Event date: 31 October 2024
Time: 4:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Timezone: UTC +8 AWST
CPD points: 0.5 Substantive Law Point and 0.5 Professional Skills Point
Calling all in-house counsel: Navigating ESG Developments – the Legal Function
Join us for an engaging and practical session exploring the evolving ESG landscape in Australia and how to assist your organisation to navigate compliance. In this panel-style discussion, our experts will unpack key regulatory developments impacting your role as in-house counsel, providing strategic insights on how to work with other functions in your organisation to achieve your organisation’s ESG objectives.
- Mandatory climate-related financial disclosures and sustainability reporting
- Recent changes in anti-bribery and corruption laws
- Modern slavery and anti-money laundering updates
- Avoiding greenwashing and bluewashing risks
You’ll leave this session with actionable takeaways and a deeper understanding of the ESG-related risks and opportunities your organisation faces. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage directly with our experienced panel of legal experts and gain valuable perspectives on this critical and rapidly evolving area.
Join the ACC Western Australia Committee and your fellow ACC members and peers for this event, including drinks and networking opportunities, hosted by Piper Alderman.
Location: Level 8, 2 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000
The workshop is open to all organisations, excluding other legal service providers. |