WEBINAR: R&D Tax Series | DISR Registrations: Considering the Exceptions to Core R&D Activities
Event date: 02 April 2025
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Timezone: UTC +11 AEDT
CPD points: 1 Substantive Law Point
We are delighted to invite you to the next webinar in our R&D Tax Series for 2025 – a series where we will share our perspectives and experience as tax lawyers on issues in the R&D tax incentive space.
As the deadline for R&D registrations approaches for the majority of R&D entities, we will discuss some of the more frequently arising exceptions to R&D eligibility to be aware of as detailed in section 355-25(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, including discussion of Body by Michael Pty Ltd v Industry Innovation and Science Australia (Taxation and business) [2025] ARTA 44 and Lakes Oil NL v Innovation and Science Australia [2023] AATA 811.
Who should attend: This webinar series is designed primarily for R&D advisors and accountants advising in the R&D space. These webinars could also be of interest to entities that claim, or wish to claim, the R&D tax incentive also.
The workshop is open to all organisations, excluding other legal service providers. |