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The Australian space industry is experiencing significant expansion and growth. The entry of private capital and enterprise, coupled with a shift in government policy and regulation, has resulted in a trajectory of growth and strength in the Australian space sector.

Piper Alderman has a history of supporting new and emerging industries and is able to provide trusted, timely, and reliable advisory services to clients operating in the space or ‘space adjacent’ sectors.

Our lawyers understand the need for specialist legal services to support this thriving sector. As regulatory regimes regarding the use of space continue to be developed, there is an opportunity to ensure that the ongoing expansion of the use of space is encouraged in a responsible way.

As a full-service law firm providing specialist advice, we partner with industry and government to provide integrated, innovative solutions that result in creative, commercial outcomes that support the growth of the sector, and allow our clients to navigate the law with confidence.

We remain abreast of developments and engaged with the space sector, allowing us to service the multi-faceted needs of our clients. We welcome enquiries as to how we might assist you.


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Get in touch

Tim O’Callaghan

Deputy Managing Partner

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