Piper Alderman’s EOFY Client Update
A message from Managing Partner, Tony Britten-Jones
As we end the financial year, I take this opportunity to thank our clients for their support over the last 12 months.
This year we have opened an already successful Perth office spearheaded by Shane Entriken (Employment Relations), Paul Sartori (Corporate) and their talented teams.
Total staff numbers have increased from 358 to 395, with new partners in each of our offices and we start the new financial year with 6 new equity partners.
On 1 January, we promoted 11 lawyers and have promoted a further 21 people across our legal and business services functions, in our midyear promotions.
Our Sydney property offering has expanded with the appointment of the highly credentialed environment and planning partner, Paul Vergotis and his team, along with experienced property partner, Marcus Andrews and his team.
It has been a busy year and a snapshot of what we have helped our clients to achieve in FY22 is below. We have:
- bought and sold office towers, shopping centres, cattle stations, vineyards, hotels and numerous other businesses
- listed companies on the ASX
- obtained Australian Financial Service Licences
- assisted blockchain technology-based start ups and advised in relation to crypto exchanges
- assisted schools, universities and other educational institutions, as well as a range of charities and other not for profits
- defended a significant employee class action
- defended clients in ASIC investigations and proceedings
- conducted arbitrations and mediations
- appeared before the Takeovers Panel
- defended and pursued preference and insolvent trading claims and unfair dismissal actions
- planned, administered and defended estates
- appealed and defended development approvals
- defended and pursued building defects claims
- obtained damages and orders against sophisticated entities on account of their misuse of market power and manipulation of markets
Our lawyers have sat on and chaired boards and committees, contributed to publications, spoken at conferences and conducted seminars and webinars.
We fight hard for our clients, but we do that discreetly. It is not about us. It is your business, your investments and the success of your operations that make us successful and we look forward to contributing further to your success in the new financial year.
Thank you for placing your trust with us.