Planning & Environment

Environmental regulation and corporate social responsibility have been the subject of significant regulatory change over recent years. A growing awareness of climate issues and sustainability on a global level has increased the emphasis on environment and planning law, attaching significant responsibilities to corporations and their directors and managers, businesses and local, State and federal agencies.
Identifying and assessing the impacts and liabilities of projects and understanding their regulatory requirements have become a crucial part of the assessment of any project and a key consideration for all corporations their board members, managers and shareholders.
At Piper Alderman, we provide practical and commercial advice on how to navigate the increasingly complex regulatory and policy requirements. We advise all industry sectors, including agribusiness, manufacturing, mining and resources, retail, energy, waste, construction, property and health. Our multi-disciplinary approach to environment and planning law enables us to work in synergy with our property, building and construction, corporate and commercial teams to provide comprehensive advice allowing our clients to achieve successful project outcomes.
We provide specialist advice on all areas of environment and planning law including: Licensing, permitting, consents and appeals; Environmental compliance and licensing; Site contamination; National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority assessment and approval advice; Due diligence; Environmental enforcement issues; Environmental Impact Assessments; Air and water pollution; Habitat and endangered species protection; Climate change and sustainability; Energy efficiency; Native Title; Aboriginal Heritage; Native vegetation; Environmental Management Systems and audits; Crisis Management and Incident response; EPBC Act advice; Waste management; and Water allocations and licencing.