Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Fintech Australia, 2019 Edition
Piper Alderman has written the Australian chapter of Getting the Deal Through – Fintech 2019, published by Lexology. The guide provides a timely and comprehensive overview of the latest legislative and regulatory developments affecting this rapidly developing industry.
Fintech partners Michael Bacina and Andrea Beatty with specialist contributions from partners Tim Clark, Will Fennell, Sarah Johnson, Tim O’Callaghan and Andrew Rankin, cover a range of topics including financial regulation, cross-border regulation, sales and marketing, change of control, financial crime, peer-to-peer and marketplace lending, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology and crypto-assets, data protection and cybersecurity, outsourcing and cloud computing, intellectual property rights, competition, tax, immigration and latest trends in the industry.
Download the Australian chapter here.
Piper Alderman is also the author of the Australian chapter of Getting the Deal Through – Litigation Funding.