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Administrative Law

Administrative Law is a key area of practice for public organisations exercising statutory powers and functions and whether operating at State, Federal or other Government levels.

Our lawyers’ expertise and experience has been gained through a variety of channels including private practice, academia and advisory roles with Governments, government bodies, agencies, instrumentals and officials.

Our team has experience across all types of Administrative Law:

  • Freedom of Information (FOI) and Ombudsman regulatory compliance
  • Tendering and probity
  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), Administrative Decisions Tribunal (ADT), and Administrative Decisions Judicial Review (ADJR)
  • Prerogative Writs in the inherent jurisdiction of the State Supreme Courts
  • Federal/State Judicial review

In addition to this, members of our team have advised and contributed to Commonwealth and State Governments in relation to policy formation and review, as well as reform advisory and implementation.


Tim Lange


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