
Equal opportunity and anti-discrimination considerations are relevant to all phases of the employment life cycle: from job descriptions and candidate selection to decisions about promotions, performance management and termination
With already voluminous state and federal legislation expanding, the equal opportunity and anti-discrimination landscape can be difficult for employers to navigate. Identifying sources of direct and indirect discrimination in respect of sex, race, religion, disability and other protected attributes, can be difficult to do in day to day operations and often calls for independent assessment.
As consequences for failing to meet legal obligations can result in both business and personal liability, assuming compliance by maintaining the status quo is not enough.
We can help your business implement best-practice measures that achieve a balance between meeting legal requirements and promoting commercial imperatives. Whether its developing changes in policies and workplace culture, educating decision makers at all points throughout the employment lifecycle or dealing with complaints, we can partner with your business to provide trusted and up to date advice across all jurisdictions.
We also have significant experience in discrimination law litigation and regularly act for clients in claims in state and federal tribunals, courts and the Fair Work Commission.