
WEBINAR | Lessons learned from COVID-19 and the construction industry pause


Authors: Juniper Watson, Karyn Reardon, Robert Riddell, Kathryn Walker, Megan Calder

Service: Projects & Construction
Sector: Construction | Infrastructure

Over the last 17 months COVID-19 has brought about a lot of change. As well as the immediate impact on health for those infected, the elimination strategy adopted in Australia has meant that there have been restrictions of various levels at various times that have impacted the way we live, learn and work.

In this webinar, partners from Piper Alderman’s national Projects and Construction team share their observations of the impacts of COVID-19 on the construction industry and provide a quick snap shot of the current state of play in the industry across Australia.

Join presenters Megan Calder (Victoria), Robert Riddell (New South Wales), Kathryn Walker (South Australia) and Karyn Reardon (Queensland) facilitated by Juniper Watson (South Australia) as they discuss this topical issue.

Watch this free webinar below