Private Equity & Venture Capital

Our Private Equity & Venture Capital lawyers have extensive experience assisting Australian and international investors to implement their investment mandates and goals. We advise clients with respect to all stages of the investment lifecycle, including fund establishment, Angel and seed stage investment, development and expansion stage investment, portfolio development, MBOs, LBOs, privatisation, and exit.
We have extensive understanding of the industry and market, gained from advising leading funds and industry associations, private and institutional investors, management teams, investment banks and other participants since the inception of this unique sector in Australia. We work with our clients to understand their commercial imperatives and objectives and then apply that knowledge to tailor our offering to ensure that the best advice is given in a commercial and cost effective manner regardless of the nature or size of a transaction.
We understand the requirements for a successful structuring and deployment of private capital, and our Private Equity & Venture Capital team is fully integrated with experts in our M&A, capital markets, funds management, tax, competition, disputes, financial regulation, employment relations and other practice areas which we are able to leverage to the benefit of our clients.