Case Studies

Acquisition of mining automation company

Piper Alderman has advised Epiroc South Pacific Holdings Pty Ltd (Epiroc) on its acquisition of Remote Control Technologies Pty Ltd (RCT).

Team: Paul Sartori, Charlotte Boston, Egor Serov

Service: Corporate & Commercial | Foreign Investment & Trade | Mergers & Acquisitions
Sector: Energy & Resources | Mining

Epiroc is a leading productivity and sustainability partner for the mining and infrastructure industries, with its headquarters in Sweden. The Australian operation is based in Perth and employs more than 700 staff.

Piper Alderman advised Epiroc on all aspects of the transaction, including due diligence, preliminary negotiations and drafting and negotiating the transaction documents. The transaction posed regulatory challenges, including obtaining FIRB approval and ACCC notification, as well as managing cross-border collaboration, working with co-counsel in three foreign jurisdictions. The deal also involved extensive liability negotiations and the combined efforts of several practice groups and other key stakeholders.

Epiroc successfully acquired and integrated RCT into its group to bring value and innovation to its offering.