Competition & Consumer

Competition law (or Anti-trust law) and consumer law are two highly litigated and regulated areas of law. From mergers and acquisitions shrinking some markets, to the pressure of online commerce on traditional business models, companies from all sectors are looking at the best way to get a competitive edge.
Regulators like the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) have reacted to these changes by focusing their attentions on activities and practises which seek to limit a competitive market and by ensuring that consumers get a fair deal and quality goods and services.
Piper Alderman’s competition and consumer law group brings together senior lawyers with expertise in all aspects of this complex legal area. Our experience extends far beyond matters relating to misleading or deceptive conduct and misrepresentation.
From seeking approval for mergers from the ACCC and takeover defences for corporate entities, through to advising on product liability and recalls, our lawyers have experience across advisory, litigation and compliance training.
We advise our clients on the best ways to maximise commercial opportunities within the guidelines set out by the regulators and assist by engaging economists, market theorists and other relevant experts.