Work Health & Safety

A safe workplace is not negotiable. Effective, practical and proactive compliance frameworks are essential to protect employees from harm, minimise workplace risk and preserve the company’s viability and reputation.
Even with the best procedures in place, accidents can happen. Having timely and pragmatic support from your legal adviser during investigations and any subsequent prosecutions is a vital part of managing any risk.
When a serious injury or significant near miss occurs, early response is key. Piper Alderman maintains a 24-hour contact line to deal with incidents immediately and assist clients in complying with notification requirements in a timely manner. We provide serious incident management and support for a number of clients involving very serious injuries and fatalities.
As a national team we handle matters across all jurisdictions using our wide knowledge of legislation and local regulators and practising in each of the states and territories.
Our approach is focused on assisting you to minimise risk, develop effective policies, assessment programs and quality assurance material, as well as transferring core knowledge and understanding to the whole organisation.
Our clients hail from a wide range of industries including manufacturing, labour hire, healthcare, resources, retail, transport and the public sector. This means that we have an appreciation of a wide range of industrial settings and their specific issues.